
The Dawn of Dusk



The Dawn of Dusk by Ronald R. Van Stockum, Jr.

Illustrations by Steven P. Eilers

“Ronald R. Van Stockum, Jr. has written a book which investigates a place we know not, but will certainly explore. When Tony, the narrator, steps into a shallow flat boat, we are heading into uncharted waters, ‘wickedly weird.’ As new characters enter the boat and begin their own voyage, Tony deals with questions that have plagued him during life. Questions of how we look upon God, how men relate to women, of how words can be deceiving and ‘strung out like vines with which to strangle.’ He also ponders how far he must risk his life, comparing his motivations with feelings of family that he observes on the boat. 

The author is a wordsmith who enjoys mixing allusions and sometimes a brief tutorial in history, literature, or biology within his brand of magic realism. He uses alternating tenses and person, and yet, writes so that we fearlessly follow him. Be prepared to get swept up in the unknown journeys of this latest book, The Dawn of Dusk.” -Mary Popham

Mary Popham’s book reviews have appeared in the Courier-JournalThe Louisville Review, and other venues. Her short story collection is entitled Love is a Fireplace, and her novel, Back Home in Landing Run.

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