
Cleopatra’s Needle



Cleopatra’s Needle by Ronald R. Van Stockum, Jr.

Art by Steven P. Eilers

In this hilarious recounting of an adventure in London in 1993, Ronald R. Van Stockum, Jr. has perfected the art of travel writing! With “Cleopatra’s Needle,” his creative non-fiction writing encompasses the very early morning experiences of a visitor to England, and his subsequent imagined headlines in the newspaper. Van Stockum researches and studies history. In this story, the land of his ancestors, his anchor of authority is achieved early on with mentions of Queen Boadicea–of the Celtic Iceni–during the sack of Londonim in 60 A.D.

However, his escapade begins in more humble circumstances. In Camdentown, “all awash in black leathered youth” and “bottled water,” he takes leave of friends in search of a public loo. Suffice to say, troubles ensue. With escalating misadventures, the writer remains a gentleman–for as long as he is able. The author usually writes works with imaginative content; his memoir, “Cleopatra’s Needle,” is another triumph.” -Mary Popham

Mary Popham’s essay, “The Kindness We Give Each Other,” recently appeared in This I Believe: Kentucky. Her novel, Back Home in Landing Run, was published by Motes Books.

28 Pages, Soft Cover

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